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“How a QR order COVID solution turned into our standard and better business.”

Clockwork Bar & Restaurant

How a QR order COVID solution turned into our standard and better business

Clockwork Bar & Restaurant is a very popular hotspot in Glasgow. It’s a spacious skylit pub with a large beer garden, where they serve good food and premium wines, beers and spirits. When COVID-19 came to visit the world, Clockwork could only open their outside terrace. Specialist provider of EPoS systems Lapsleys recommended QR ordering from Jamezz to Clockwork. From that moment they found out lots of benefits by using the QR order app and they keep using it today and in the future.

How (eldery) guests got used to it

At first Clockwork could only operate outside because of COVID-19. That was the reason why they started using Jamezz. Now Clockwork is using QR ordering from Jamezz both inside and outside. Carol: “In the beginning, the elderly found it quite difficult and sometimes the staff had to explain a bit. But now the elderly like to use it even more. It’s something new for them and that takes a bit of explanation. But because of the easy and friendly use of the app everyone is able to use it.”


Clockwork QR ordering

QR ordering versus traditional ordering

Clockwork advises guests to have a look in the app first before ordering at the bar. “It’s not only for reducing queues, but they found out that guests take more time to order different items. They can easily check the menu with photos and side notes, which gives the staff more time for other things.”, Carol says. Clockwork gives people the choice of how they would like to order, with QR order app or the regular way. Carol: “About 40% uses the app, the rest orders via the traditional way. It’s up to the guest, which works perfectly.”

The benefits of qr ordering according to Clockworks business 

  1. “Even though we also work with normal menus, it's great how easy it is to update the digital menu in terms of stock when something ran out out, for example. It saves a lot of walking movements for the staff and it’s very clear communication towards your guests. You can't do that with a normal menu.”

  2. “Also, we see differences in what is ordered and what we sell since the QR ordering app was introduced. We now often sell things that we hadn't sold for a long time.”

  3. “We take into account how the app is set up and pay attention to nice pictures with the products. That is also helpful in terms of questions the guests might have about products.”

  4. “The staff is now very used to it and it is convenient that they can very easily retrieve what the guest ordered in case a disagreement arises. It helps a lot with the communication.”


Clockwork QR ordering


Clockworks advice for new users


Carol: “Take your time, learn the back office and build it up slowly. The time schedules for products and menus are very useful. It's also great that you can switch products on and off so quickly. The service from Lapsleys and Jamezz is great. We notice that Jamezz handles problems well, solves them and we learn from them for the future. We possibly will also expand our business with a take-away order system via Jamezz linked to our QR application. In terms of affiliates, we are already working with a brand by making them extra visable in the app. Super easy marketing. Tremendously satisfied with QR ordering from Jamezz.

Joost Putters

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